Affaldssortering i foreningen / Waste sorting in the owner’s association

Indsendt af Rasmus den fre, 01/08/2021 - 09:37

Nedenfor følger rammerne for korrekt affaldssortering i foreningen. 

See for english below! 


Lågen ved skuret skal bruges til restaffald fra husholdningen der ikke kan sorteres i de følgende kategorier. Eksempler: støvsugerposer, hygiejneartikler, vådt pap, mælkekartoner, pizzabakker, sammensat affald (f.eks. plast der ikke kan fjernes fra pap) osv.

Containerne i gården

I gården kan du finde følgende containere til sortering af affald. Eksempler skal på ingen måde opfattes som en komplet liste, men skal fungere som inspiration.

  • Madaffald: Den grønne spand med dertilhørende grønne poser til madaffald kan bruges til opbevaring af affaldet. Nye poser kan hentes hos Borgerservice eller på genbrugsstationen uden betaling. Bind en knude på posen inden aflevering i containeren i gården.
    Eksempler: madrester, te, kaffegrums, kyllingeben osv.
  • Større restaffald: Der er to containere til restaffald der ikke kan gå i skraldesuget. Belast ikke disse containere med alm. husholdningsaffald.
    Eksempler: Restaffald der ikke kan komme i skraldesuget, porcelæn og flamingo.
  • Plast: Inkluderer både blødt og hårdt plastik.
    Eksempler: Dunke (skal tømmes), plastfolie, plastposer, bobleplast osv.
  • Pap: Pizzabakker og kartoner fra drikkevarer hører ikke til her - de skal i restaffald. Husk at folde og tømme indpakninger af pap, så der kan være mere i containerne til fordel for os alle.
    Eksempler: Æsker, kasser osv.
  • Papir: Husk at fjerne eventuelle metalgenstande fra sammenhæftede pairer.
    Eksempler: Aviser, boner, reklamer osv.
  • Metal: Mad skal fjernes så godt man kan, men forventes ikke rengjort med vand og sæbe. 
    Eksempler: Konservesdåser, stanniol, søm, sodavandsdåser uden pant osv.
  • Batterier: Ved containerne er der en batteristander.
  • Farligt affald: I skuret ved suget. Følg instruktionerne givet på papirerne derinde.
    Eksempler: Lyspærer, oplader, cykellygter, maling, kemikalier osv.
  • Stort brandbart/storskrald: I skuret ved suget. Følg instruktionerne på papirerne derinde og vær hensynsfuld over for din naboer, der også har brug for at afskaffe affald. Husk at spejle og andet glas, bygge- og sanitetsaffald ikke hører til i skuret, og du skal altså selv afskaffe det ved en genbrugsstation. Den nærmeste station er Bispengen 35, 2000 Frederiksberg.
    Eksempler: Tørrestativ, plastikstol, tæppe osv. 
  • Haveaffald

Vedrørende glas og pant

Vi har ingen container til glas i gården, men glas skal altså stadig i en glascontainer. Der står en fast ude foran Fakta på Nordre Fasanvej samt en på Kronprinsesse Sofies vej, hvor den krydses af Holger Danskes Vej (ved vaskeriet). Pantflasker skal afleveres i flaskeautomater, der er at finde i de fleste dagligvarebutikker – f.eks. i de nærmeste Netto’er (Godhåbsvej 74 samt Roxy).

Opbevaring af affald på trapperne

For- og bagtrappen skal som udgangspunkt ikke bruges til opbevaring af affald af hensyn til brandsikkerheden jf. §3/10 i husorden og yderligere også for at undgå eventuelle lugtgener, som det kan medføre.

Har du brug for yderligere information?

Du vil kunne forefinde mere information om affaldssortering på kommunens hjemmeside her:

Er du i tvivl om en sortering af en specifik genstand? Tjek kommunens digitale guide (affaldsABC), hvor der er mulighed for at søge på det affald, som du skal af med her:

Er der yderligere spørgsmål til sortering specifikt i foreningen, er du velkommen til at kontakte bestyrelsen.


Waste sorting in the owner’s association

Below you will find the framework for correct waste sorting in the association. 

Garbage suction (the hatch)

The hatch by the shed should be used for residual waste from the household that cannot be sorted into the following categories of this list. Examples: Vacuum cleaner bags, hygiene items, wet cardboard, milk cartons, pizza trays, mixed waste (e.g., plastic that cannot be separated from cardboard), etc. 

Containers in the common yard

In the common yard you will find the following containers for sorting your waste. The included examples should in no way be considered as a complete list but should serve as inspiration. 

  • Food waste: The green bucket with its green bags for food waste can be used for the storage of the waste in your apartment. New bags can be picked up free of charge at “Borgerservice” (citizen service at the townhall) or at “Bispeengen Genbrugsstation” (the garbage recycling station at Frederiksberg). Remember to tie a knot on the green bag before transferring it to the green container in the common yard. 
    Examples: leftovers, tea, coffee grounds, chicken legs, etc. 
  • Larger residual waste: You will find two containers for the residual waste next to the hatch. These are for larger residual waste that cannot go into the hatch because of size. Please do not load the containers with normal household waste that could fit into the hatch.  
    Examples: Residual waste that cannot fit into the hatch because of proportions, porcelain, and flamingo. 
  • Plastic: This category includes both low- and high-density plastic. 
    Examples: Plastic containers (should be emptied), plastic foil, plastic bags, bubble wrap, etc.
  • Cardboard: Pizza trays and cartons from beverages/food do not belong in this waste sorting category – these should be sorted as residual waste (the hatch). Please remember to fold and empty cardboard. 
    Examples: Boxes etc.
  • Paper: Please remember to remove any possible metal objects from stapled papers.
    Examples: Newspapers, receipts, paper advertisements, etc.
  • Metal: Any leftover food should be removed the best you can without the need of soap.
    Examples: Cans, tin foil, nails, soda cans without “pant” (deposit return marks), etc.
  • Batteries: By the containers you will find a battery stand. 
  • Hazardous waste: Through the door by the shed. You will find instructions on paper in there.
    Examples: Light bulbs, electronics, bicycle lights, paint, chemicals, etc.
  • Large flammable or bulky waste: Through the door by the shed. Follow the instructions on the papers and please be considerate of your neighbors who also need to dispose of waste. Mirrors, glass, construction or sanitary waste do not belong in the shed; you must therefore dispose of it yourself at the recycling station at Bispeengen 35, 2000 Frederiksberg.
    Examples: Drying rack, plastic chair, rug, etc. 
  • Garden waste

Regarding glass bottles and “pant” (deposit return mark)

We do not have a container for glass bottles in the common yard, but is should still be recycled. You will find recycling containers in front of Fakta on Nordre Fasanvej or at Kronprinsesse Sofies Vej at the intersection with Holger Danskes Vej (by the laundry). Bottles with a deposit return mark can be returned in vending machines in most grocery stores – e.g. the nearest Nettos (Godhåbsvej 74 or Roxy). 

Storage of waste in the stairwell

The main and back stairs should not be used for storage of waste for reasons of fire safety in accordance with §3/10 of the house rules and furthermore also to avoid any malodor that the waste may cause. 

Do you need any further information? 

You will be able to find additional information about waste sorting on the municipality’s website here: . However, this information has not been translated into English at the time of writing.

Are you in doubt about waste sorting of a specific item? Check the digital guide “affaldsABC” (wasteABC), where it is possible to use the look up function on a specific item. However, this information has not been translated into English at the time of writing. See:

If you have any further questions regarding waste sorting in the owner’s association, you are welcome to contact the board (bestyrelse).